This one is for those of you, whose links, ideas, crafts or posts I have mentioned on my blog. Please, if you find that I have given you a little shout-out here, grab the button and show it on your blog.
On the topic of showing other crafters' work: I hope you all notice that I do try to give credit whenever I take inspiration from other crafters, use their ideas or re-create what they have done. However, I generally do not use any photos or illustrations from other crafters. The reason for that is that I am a bit anal about copyrights. Strictly speaking, the rights to the photos always lie with the creator. I totally do not mind my pictures being used on other people's blogs - heck, I don't even watermark mine to show my copyright. But I am very careful about importing other people's creative property. Part of it is actually laziness, though - in order to get permission to use third party images I would have to get in touch with you and ask. Too much trouble.
I do appreciate it, however, if people let me know that they would like me to show off a creation of theirs. For that purpose, just leave me a comment or send an e-mail to craftwerk(at)ymail(dot)com and I will see what I can do.
Happy blogging, everyone,
1 comment:
You, my dear, are so funny! Love this post, and how true. I agree with you. I have not yet watermarked my pictures...the future, who knows, but for now I'm happy for others to take my pics. I only ask that they throw the credit in my directions.
Sonja, thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my post yesterday. You brought up excellent points and your views were extremely insightful. It was an interesting discussion, and I certainly learned from it, as well.
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