The other day I saw this really
cute print on etsy. It really spoke to me - not just because it was yellow, but because it said "Good morning, sunshine" - and sunshine used to be my nickname, years ago... It would be the perfect picture to wake up to or to be greeted with in the bathroom when I get up to do my early morning shift. And it got me going...
Sorry, boys, I have to release you and wipe you down! |
is actually a yellow zone in my house. It's the downstairs bathroom. It has a few splashes of yellow here and there but it needed some more. And when I came across some free printable yellows courtesy of
dimple prints via
Tatertots and Jello, I got the kick up my backside to finally do something about my yellow love. I scoured our "frame cabinet" - a cupboard in our sitting room which is full of old frames with some unnamed ancestors in it. And I found two nice frames. But *eeeeek*, look at the state of them:
That's already better, isn't it? No idea who the ancient tottie is - the family had four daughters, so he's not one of "ours"... I had to dismantle the frames to wipe them down - and of course I cut myself in the process. That's one thing I hate about the old stuff in the house: I am always slightly suspicious of the dust of the centuries that covers everything in here. If I vanish from the blog, you'll know that my right middle finger has turned gangrenous *ggg*
It also turned out that the frame on the right was actually not grey but green. Oooops, doesn't quite go with my colour scheme, but well...
Anyhow, I stuck the sunny prints into the frames and *boom* instant lift!
Curious what the rest of the room looks like??? I'll give you a look tomorrow!
Schön ist das! Alles Liebe, Jutta
Na toll! Und wie krieg ich das Lied jetzt wieder aus meinem Kopf raus??
You are my sunshine ... lala lalala ...
Liebe Grüße!!
Merci, Jutta :-)
Und: *hihihi*, lesen der Beiträge auf eigene Gefahr, Nicole!!!
Those prints look great in your bathroom!!
These look so cute! Thanks for sharing with us! Abbey at DimplePrints
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