Well, it's a bit more than a spring clean, I guess. It's a complete make-over. I just couldn't bear the bright read any longer. Inexplicably I have recently developed a "thing" for bright yellow. I have no idea why. I never particularly liked yellow - too garish, too cold, too sour. But at the moment I simply cannot get enough of yellow. I have been posting quite a bit of that on my Pinterest boards. Maybe I am craving the colour of the sun after months of winter? In any case - since I cannot really re-decorate my house in bright yellow (it would just look out of place, I think), I am revamping craft-werk instead.
Grey is pretty much on trend, too, and doesn't it look great with yellow? I couldn't resist and drag the spring-theme even to the header and reappropriate one of my earlier projects, the bird magnets, for the header illustration. Read about them here.
Oh, and one thing hasn't changed: I am still a geek. And therefore I had to change my favicon from the white scissors on red background to a sleek little factory. (If you want to know how to make your own custom favicon, here's my post.)
Anyhow, hope you like the new look. While I was at it, I had to change my blog signature, too. After all, it all has to fit together, somehow - the organic look, so to speak. So I made myself a new signature on mylivesignature.com It's dead easy - so had over there and get yourself a personal touch, too ;-)
congrats on the new and very fresh blog look!
oooh, Etta, you are quick :-). Thanks!! Feeling all zesty like a lemon *ggg*
Also ich mochte den alten Look:( Aber das Grau ist auch ok! Tolle neue Imagewerk Seite. Well done!
Whoa, und noch ein früher Wurm hier? Ihr seid aber heute alle flottiflott ;-)... Naja, einmal im Jahr muss man ja mal was Neues bringen... Und zeigen, dass man die Trends kennt :-D. Ich steh ja eigentlich mehr auf weiße Hintergründe, aber hier durfte es dann auch mal anders aussehen, als auf meiner Fotoseite. Hoffe, dass du dich an den neuen Look gewöhnst ;-)
Lovely! Finde das gelb sooo schön. mir geht das genauso wie dir, mochte es nie, aber jetzt plötzlich...
mag deinen neuen look sehr gern!
Huhu Jutta - danke für den Kommentar. Bin noch immer schwer am Überlegen, wem ich denn nun den Blog Award weiterreichen kann.
Und was gelb angeht: dann befinden wir uns in gegenseitig guter Gesellschaft ;-) Grüßchen nach W'huk!
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