Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Lame Post to Keep the Blog Going - and Cheesy...

Sorry, esteemed readers, I know this is gonna be a slightly lame post, but rather like the Queen of England the Queen of Crafts sees her calling as a duty, not just a privilege... And therefore I need to post something in the blog as it is already 7 days *gasp* since I updated last...

I have actually been crafty this last week, despite having been totally stressed out with work *sigh dramatically*. Project 1 is not really finished and project 2 just doesn't really convince me. Hm. So what can I do? Maybe I can bribe you with a lovely slice of cheese cake?

The reason I am thinking a cheese cake is worthy of mention in my craft blog - apart from the fact that this is the first cheese cake that I have baked in my ten years in Ireland - is that I discovered the secret that seems to be well-kept by the world's top cheese cake bakers. I have often baked them back home where there is no shortage of what we call "Quark". No - not the formerly well-known print-layout programme nor the elementary particle, but the soft cheese which is largely unavailable in English-speaking countries. Much to my dismay. It doesn't even have a proper name in English. Well, the dictionary tells me it is called "cheese curd" - doesn't sound very appetizing...

Anyway, the best boyfriend of all actually went out of his way last weekend and tracked down some Quark in a Polish shop in town. (It appears he was missing me while I was bopping away at the fantastic music festival I attended... *awwwwwwwww*) So I couldn't wait to do some baking with it.

However, the tricky bit with this cake is that the top of it usually caves in after you take it out of the oven as the filling consists of a fluffy mixture of eggs, aforementioned Quark, butter, flour, sugar and milk. But it came out beautifully and did not cave in.

And here is the best kept secret: While baking the cake, take it out of the oven exactly at half time. Use a knife to cut between the tin and the cake. Leave it to stand outside the oven for 5 minutes - and then bake 'til the end. That will do the trick. Don't spread the secret any further - just bask in the glory!


PS: Want the recipe? Send me a message or comment!


Anonymous said...

Ich will das Rezept - und danke für das Geheimnis - aber was bewirkt das überhaupt? Dana

Sonja @ Craft-Werk said...

Hey Dana - bewirkt, dass der Kuchen nicht in der Mitte zusammenfällt. Das passiert sonst meistens mit gebackenen Käsekuchen... Ich schick's dir nachher mal rüber. Bin gerade noch am Arbeiten :D

Unknown said...

Ich auch haben will/muss!!!!!
Sieht unheimlich lecker aus! *Zahntropf*


Sonja @ Craft-Werk said...

kommt nachher, Katja

Shawna said...

I don't know what the other comments are saying. But I am so impressed with your cheese cake! I've never heard of quark, and have only ever heard of making cheese cake with cream cheese. But, I'm definitely trying the cooking technique you shared. Now I can't wait to have a reason to make cheese cake!